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June 13, 2024

How does Emundus help evaluate the effectiveness and fairness of internal recruitment?


Evaluating the effectiveness and fairness of internal recruitment is a key issue for major schools. Emundus offers advanced features for collecting candidate feedback, analyzing recruitment data and generating personalized reports. By relying on this information, schools can implement a process of continuous improvement of their internal recruitment process.

Summary :

  1. Collect feedback from candidates at each stage

  2. Leverage recruitment data for in-depth analysis

  3. Generate personalized reports for real-time monitoring

  4. Implement a continuous improvement process

1- Collect feedback from candidates at each stage

Configure satisfaction questionnaires

Emundus allows you to create personalized satisfaction questionnaires for each stage of the internal recruitment process. These questionnaires can be sent automatically to candidates after each key interaction, such as application submission, interviews or results reporting.

By regularly collecting feedback from internal candidates, major schools can quickly identify the strengths and areas for improvement in their process. This proactive approach also demonstrates the establishment's commitment to listening and taking into account the needs of its students. Thanks to Emundus' post-application questionnaires, it is possible to identify a need for increased support for international students and set up dedicated information sessions.

Analyze feedback to identify areas for improvement

The Emundus platform centralizes all feedback from internal candidates, allowing analysis of comments. This allows admissions managers to spot recurring trends and friction points in the recruiting process.

This qualitative analysis, combined with quantitative data generated by Emundus, provides a comprehensive view of the candidate experience. Schools can then prioritize improvement actions to make their internal recruitment process more efficient and equitable. Let's take the example of a major engineering school which, thanks to the analysis of comments on Emundus, was able to identify a lack of clarity in the selection criteria for certain programs. By refining and better communicating these criteria, the school significantly reduced the number of irrelevant applications and improved applicant satisfaction.

2- Use recruitment data for in-depth analysis

Track key performance indicators

Emundus allows you to define and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) adapted to the internal recruitment of major schools. These KPIs can include the application conversion rate, the average file processing time or even candidate satisfaction at each stage.

By regularly tracking these metrics on the platform, admissions managers can evaluate the effectiveness of their process. They can thus quickly identify potential blockages and take corrective measures to optimize internal recruitment. In the case of Mines-Télécom for example, monitoring the average response time to candidates made it possible to detect and resolve a bottleneck in the file validation process, thus improving the candidate experience.

Identify trends and opportunities for improvement

The Emundus platform offers powerful internal recruitment data analysis capabilities. Schools can leverage application history to identify meaningful trends, such as changes in the number of applicants, the most popular programs or the typical profile of successful students.

This information makes it possible to strategically guide internal recruitment, for example by adapting communication or selection criteria. The improvement opportunities identified using Emundus thus contribute to continually strengthening the efficiency and fairness of the process. Sciences Po Paris was thus able, by analyzing data from previous years, to anticipate an increase in applications for certain Summer Courses and accordingly adjust the resources allocated to processing these files.



Example of use

Conversion rate

Proportion of applications resulting in admission

Identify programs with the best recruiting ROI

Processing time

Average time between submission of a file and final decision

Detect bottlenecks in the process

Candidate satisfaction

Average score given by candidates to the process

Evaluate the overall quality of the recruiting experience

3- Generate personalized reports for real-time monitoring

Access customizable dashboards

Emundus offers fully customizable dashboards to monitor the progress of internal recruitment in real time. Admissions managers can configure these tables according to their specific needs, choosing the most relevant indicators and graphs.

This personalized overview makes it easy to monitor the progress of applications and react quickly in the event of deviations. Emundus dashboards thus facilitate the strategic management of internal recruitment, by providing constant visibility on key metrics. For example, a dashboard dedicated to tracking admissions by geographic area allowed Excelia to quickly identify an unexpected spike in applications from Asia and adjust promotion efforts on this continent.

Generate detailed reports on applications

In just a few clicks, Emundus allows you to generate comprehensive reports on internal applications. These reports can be segmented according to different criteria, such as training program, level of study or assessment results.

Detailed reports offer an in-depth analysis of the internal candidate pool, highlighting the most promising profiles. They also make it possible to monitor the achievement of recruitment objectives and adjust efforts accordingly. Thanks to Emundus, schools have reliable and up-to-date data to effectively manage their internal recruitment strategy. Sciences Po Paris therefore regularly uses Emundus reports to take stock of progress with program managers and, if necessary, adapt the selection criteria or communication to students.

For effective management of internal recruitment with Emundus:

  1. Define key indicators aligned with objectives

  2. Configure dashboards adapted to each need

  3. Automate the regular generation of standard reports

  4. Analyze data to identify trends

  5. Continuously adjust the strategy based on insights

4- Implement a continuous improvement approach

Define targeted action plans

The data and feedback collected via Emundus constitutes a solid basis for defining action plans to improve internal recruitment. Schools can identify priority friction points and design appropriate corrective actions.

For example, if candidates highlight a lack of support, the school can set up training sessions or designate dedicated contacts. If the data reveals a high dropout rate at a specific stage, the school may review the content and format of that stage. Emundus thus makes it possible to precisely target improvement actions for maximum impact. Cross-analysis of feedback and data makes it possible to quickly identify and correct a slowness problem with the online application form, thus reducing the abandonment rate.

Measure progress and adjust practices

The process of continuous improvement in internal recruitment is a long-term one. Emundus makes it possible to regularly measure progress made, by comparing key indicators before and after implementing actions.

This regular evaluation allows practices to be quickly adjusted if necessary, in order to guarantee lasting results. Grandes écoles can thus continually refine their internal recruitment strategy, based on objective data and concrete feedback. Emundus then becomes a real lever for continuous improvement, serving the efficiency and fairness of recruitment. Sciences Po Paris, for example, has set up a quarterly committee dedicated to analyzing Emundus indicators and adjusting processes. This iterative approach has enabled significant improvements, such as a 20% reduction in the average file processing time.

In short, Emundus offers major schools powerful tools to continuously evaluate and optimize their internal recruitment process. By taking full advantage of the platform's feedback collection, data analysis and reporting features, admissions managers can make their recruitment more efficient and equitable. This continuous improvement approach, based on reliable information, is essential to attract the best profiles of internal students and strengthen the reputation of the establishment.

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