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Manage your job offers with the career site functionality

A career site is a website dedicated to recruitment which brings together all the job offers of a company, but also the elements of the employer brand.

A career site brings together all the important information about your company (recruitment process, job offers, news, job presentations, etc.). It is an essential tool for attracting and recruiting the best talent.

Photograph of a man shaking hands with another man during an interview
Screenshot of the campaign list page
Screenshot of the form creation page
Screenshot of the campaign edit page
Screenshot of the list of created forms page

The power of the EMUNDUS career site functionality

Our solution allows organizations to manage their job offers directly from the platform.

This feature launched by our teams allows you to save considerable time on your recruitment campaigns. In fact, you will be able to observe at a glance the progress of all the candidate files in your organization.

Attract candidates

Our platform is optimized to help companies attract more candidates and stand out from the competition.

Make the recruitment process easier

Our career site makes it easy for candidates to find the information they need to apply for a job, such as your company's job postings, job descriptions, and application forms.

Promote your business

Our solution is a great way for your organization to promote its corporate culture and values. It allows candidates to learn about the company and get an idea of ​​what it would be like to work for it.

They already trust us

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Logo French Institute
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