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Evaluate candidate files online

  • Quickly test your candidates

  • Quick comparison

  • Boost your recruitment

  • Online MCQ submission

  • Flexibility of MCQs

  • Personalized MCQs

Application form mockup

Our platform allows organizations to assess their candidates through the creation of online multiple choice questions.

Submission of MCQs and eligibility tests to candidates

Recruitment is a crucial step for any organization. It's about finding the best candidates for the positions to be filled, and ensuring they have the required skills and qualifications.

We offer a SaaS solution that allows organizations to create and manage online MCQs. This solution offers a multitude of features that make it easier to create effective multiple choice questions and collect results.

Formbuilder mockup

Mockup illustration of the steps of submitting a file

Customizable MCQs

Our solution allows organizations to configure fully configurable and customizable MCQs. You can adjust various important functions of the MCQ such as the duration of the test, the number of questions, or the type of answers expected.

EMUNDUS allows companies to create MCQs that resemble your organization, and therefore, to project the candidate into their likely future adventure.

Equity, efficiency and flexibility

The MCQ tool launched by EMUNDUS allows organizations to fairly compare all your candidates. Indeed, this solution adapted to the needs of your organization is a quick and efficient way to evaluate numerous candidates in record time.

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Ready to transform your records management and data collection process?

Contact us now to schedule a demo of our platform, during which our team of experts will walk you through key features and answer all your questions!