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Online registration for events

Online registration for events is a growing trend. It offers many advantages to organizers and participants

Illustration of schematic web interface


Online registration allows organizers to simplify and speed up the registration process.


Online registration provides attendees with a convenient and comfortable way to register for events.


Online registration can help improve the security of participant data.

Screenshot of the folder access rights modal

The advantages of online registration for organizers

Online registration can be used for a variety of events, including:

  • Conferences

  • Seminars

  • Training

  • Applications

  • Interviews

Increase the number of event participants

By offering your employees and candidates the opportunity to participate in some of your online events, you can increase the number of participants in these events quite easily.

In fact, the fact that you can subscribe online increases the registration rate considerably, because the steps are made easier.

Screenshot of folder list
Screenshot of an evaluation form
Screenshot of the list of pending reviews

Securing participant data

Online registration for events via our EMUNDUS platform guarantees the total security of the information given by subscribers. EMUNDUS is a secure solution that emphasizes GDPR and respect for data security.

They already trust us

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European Commission Logo
Logo French Institute
Logo Sorbonne University
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Logo Maif
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Questions ?

Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about our offerings and discover how our platform can meet your needs.