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June 26, 2024

5 tips for optimizing competitions and internal recruitment of higher education establishments with Emundus


To attract the best internal talent and guarantee the fairness of the selection process, universities and colleges must implement an effective and inclusive recruitment strategy. How can the Emundus platform help them meet this challenge? Discover 10 concrete tips to optimize your internal recruitment and find the gems that will make your programs successful.


  1. Define recruitment objectives adapted to each program

  2. Effectively communicate opportunities to students

  3. Establish fair and objective selection criteria

  4. Simplify the application process using the online platform

  5. Train and raise awareness among admission managers

1- Define recruitment objectives adapted to each program

Identify the key skills required

To attract the best internal talent, it is important to precisely define the skills and abilities required for each training program. By working closely with educational leaders, admissions managers can identify the ideal profiles sought. The Emundus platform makes it possible to formalize these criteria and communicate them clearly to potential candidates, thus guaranteeing an optimal match between the school's expectations and the students' skills.

Let’s take the example of a master’s degree in finance. Key skills sought might include a foundation in mathematics and statistics, an understanding of financial concepts, and analytical and problem-solving skills. Using Emundus, admissions managers can detail these criteria in the program overview sheet, allowing students to self-assess their suitability before applying.

Align objectives with school strategy

Internal recruitment must be part of the long-term vision of the establishment. By defining objectives consistent with the values ​​and ambitions of the school, you ensure that you attract candidates who will contribute to collective success. Emundus helps you formalize this recruitment strategy and break it down into concrete criteria, thus facilitating the support of all stakeholders. Thanks to a structured approach aligned with your priorities, you optimize your chances of recruiting the best people for each program.

Let's imagine an engineering school that wants to strengthen its expertise in the field of artificial intelligence. Recruitment objectives for AI-related programs must then be defined in line with this ambition. Emundus makes it possible to highlight these strategic priorities in program descriptions and selection criteria, thus attracting the most motivated and competent students in this field.

“Establishing an effective and fair internal recruitment process requires careful planning, transparent communication, and a commitment to inclusion and diversity.” This quote highlights the importance of a structured and inclusive approach in internal recruitment.

2- Effectively communicate opportunities to students

Centralize offers on a dedicated student portal

Emundus allows you to bring together all internal application opportunities on a single and intuitive platform. In just a few clicks, students can access all the programs for which they are eligible. This centralization promotes transparency and equal opportunities, while simplifying the process for candidates. No more tedious research and scattered information: with Emundus, your students have a complete vision of the possibilities available to them.

Let's take the case of a large business school that offers numerous specialization programs. Thanks to Emundus, students can consult on a single portal all the options corresponding to their course: specialized masters, double degrees, international courses, etc. They can thus easily compare the different opportunities and find the one that best corresponds to their professional project. .

Provide detailed descriptions of programs and criteria

In order for students to assess their suitability for each program, it is essential to provide them with comprehensive information. Emundus allows you to write sheets presenting the educational objectives, prerequisites, professional opportunities and selection procedures for each training course. By supporting candidates in their reflection, you help them make informed choices and apply for programs that truly correspond to their aspirations and their potential. This transparency strengthens the quality of applications received and facilitates the work of admissions managers.

Let’s illustrate this with a concrete example. On the Emundus platform of an engineering school, the description sheet for a master's degree in renewable energies could include:

  • The educational objectives: master green energy production technologies, know how to size and optimize an installation, understand the economic and regulatory challenges of the sector...

  • Prerequisites: hold an engineering degree or equivalent, have completed thermodynamics and electrical engineering courses, master simulation tools, etc.

  • Selection procedures: review of academic file, motivational interview, technical case study, etc.

By accessing this detailed information, students can ensure they meet the requirements and that the program meets their expectations, before committing to the application process.

Advantages of centralizing offers on Emundus

Benefits for students

Benefits for the school

Easy and quick access to all opportunities

Saving time and energy in research

Equal opportunities and enhanced transparency

Detailed information on each program

Informed choice and relevant applications

Quality of files received and conversion rate

Supporting students in their thinking

Adequacy between project and training

Satisfaction and success of those admitted

3- Establish fair and objective selection criteria

Use standardized assessment tools

To guarantee the fairness of the selection process, it is essential to rely on objective criteria. Emundus provides you with a battery of standardized assessment tools, allowing you to measure candidate skills in an impartial manner. Knowledge tests, role-playing, personality questionnaires... The platform offers you numerous possibilities to assess the potential of each student. By basing your selection on tangible data rather than subjective impressions, you strengthen the credibility and transparency of your internal recruitment process.

Case in point: To select candidates for a master's degree in data science, a school can use Emundus to administer an online test assessing skills in statistics, programming, and data analysis. The results obtained by each candidate make it possible to objectively compare their level, regardless of their background or personality. The best profiles can then be invited to an interview to deepen their motivation and potential.

Apply a non-discrimination policy

Equal opportunities is a principle of internal recruitment. Emundus supports you in implementing a non-discrimination policy, helping you define neutral and inclusive selection criteria. The platform also allows you to track diversity indicators throughout the process, to ensure that all candidates receive fair treatment, regardless of their gender, origin or personal situation. By promoting inclusion, you send a strong message to your students and you strengthen the attractiveness of your establishment.

Let's take the example of a school wishing to diversify the profile of its students. With Emundus, it can set up a “blind” selection process where the personal information of candidates (name, photo, age, etc.) is hidden during the examination of files. Only academic data and concrete achievements are taken into account to assess each person's potential. Statistics on the representation of different profiles are then generated to monitor the fairness of recruitment.

To implement a non-discrimination policy via Emundus:

  1. Define objective and neutral selection criteria

  2. Configure application forms to hide sensitive information

  3. Train evaluators on unconscious bias and fair assessment

  4. Monitor diversity indicators at each stage of recruitment

  5. Communicate transparently on results and actions taken

4- Simplify the application process using the online platform

Dematerialize application files

With Emundus, no more paper files and postal mailings. Students can apply in just a few clicks from the platform, by completing an online form and uploading the requested supporting documents. This dematerialization considerably simplifies the process for candidates, while facilitating the processing of files by admission managers. No more risk of loss or delay: applications are centralized and accessible at any time, for monitoring of the process.

Let's take the case of a large school receiving thousands of applications each year. With Emundus, she can say goodbye to mountains of paper files and entry errors. Students fill out the required fields directly online and attach the necessary documents. One click is enough to submit their application, which is immediately transmitted to the admissions teams. They can then consult the files wherever they are, annotate them, share them... All without risking losing a document or forgetting a candidate.

Offer personalized follow-up to candidates

Emundus allows you to support candidates at every stage of their journey. Thanks to the integrated messaging features, you can easily communicate with each student, to confirm receipt of their file, ask for additional information or keep them informed of the progress of their application. This proximity reassures candidates and reinforces their commitment to your establishment. You can also set up automatic reminders for important deadlines, so no talent falls through the cracks.

Let's imagine the journey of a student wishing to enter a selective master's degree. As soon as he initiates his application on Emundus, he receives a personalized welcome message detailing the next steps. A few days later, an automatic reminder is sent to him to check that he has completed all the fields and downloaded all the required documents. Once their file is submitted, they are informed of processing times and receive regular updates on progress. At the same time, they can ask their questions at any time via the integrated messaging system and obtain a quick and relevant response. A real tailor-made follow-up that enhances your application!

According to an internal survey conducted by Emundus, 91% of students appreciate receiving personalized information on the progress of their application.

5- Train and raise awareness among admission managers

Organize training sessions on Emundus features

To get the most out of the platform, it is essential that your admissions teams take full ownership of it. Emundus offers tailor-made training sessions, allowing each user to master the functionalities that concern them. From the creation of job descriptions to the evaluation of applications through reporting, all aspects of the platform are covered. Your employees thus gain autonomy and efficiency, for a perfectly controlled internal recruitment process.

At Sorbonne University , admissions managers received comprehensive training on the Emundus platform during its deployment. In one day, they learned to:

  • Configure application forms according to the specificities of each program

  • Define evaluation criteria and selection workflows

  • Use integrated communication tools to interact with candidates

  • Leverage reporting features to track key metrics

Result: quick handling and use of the platform, for simplified and optimized international recruitment!

Encourage an inclusive and open approach

Inclusion cannot be decreed, it is cultivated on a daily basis. By imbuing your admissions teams with these values, you can sustainably evolve your internal recruitment processes. This involves raising awareness of stereotypes and unconscious biases, but also promoting good practices and initiatives in favor of diversity. Emundus supports you in this cultural transformation, by offering you inspiring content and testimonials from committed establishments. Because openness and tolerance are keys to success, for your students as well as for your school.


Optimizing internal recruitment of higher education institutions with Emundus is not only a question of technology, but also of strategy and values. By defining clear and appropriate objectives, communicating opportunities effectively, establishing fair selection criteria, simplifying the application process and training your teams, you can attract the best internal talent and ensure fairness in the selection process. .

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