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January 13, 2025

Management of educational establishments: methods, tools and reflections for effective management

Managing educational establishments is a delicate art that requires strategic vision and great empathy. In this complex labyrinth of educational objectives, varied needs and constant challenges, the role of the school leader is central. This guide explores the methods, tools and thoughts enabling effective management, emphasizing the strategic role of the manager, the tools and methods at his disposal, as well as the issues and challenges he must face. Discover how to navigate this complex symphony to make every establishment a home of knowledge and inspiration.

Summary :

  1. The strategic role of the head of the establishment

  2. Tools and methods for effective management

  3. Issues and challenges in the management of educational establishments

The strategic role of the head of the establishment

Educational leadership and team management

The head of the establishment is the first link in the implementation of educational projects. His active involvement is essential to provide the impetus necessary for their achievement.

This dynamic instilled by the head of the establishment has positive repercussions on the mobilization of teaching teams. When the leader sets an example through his commitment, this creates emulation within the teaching teams.

The management provided by the head of the establishment promotes cohesion and coordination of educational actions. It makes it possible to align teachers' practices with the objectives of the school project, for better educational effectiveness serving the success of all students.

Administrative and financial management

The head of the establishment is faced with multiple administrative and financial tasks. He must manage the establishment's budget, optimizing the allocated resources and seeking additional financing. This implies rigor in monitoring expenses and revenues, as well as a strategic vision to prioritize investments.

To meet this challenge, the head of the establishment can rely on efficient financial management tools and a competent administrative team. Continuing training in these areas and sharing experience with other school leaders are also levers for increasing efficiency.

Relations with external partners

As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry pointed out, “Creating connections is setting out on the journey”. This quote takes on its full meaning when it comes to building relationships with academic authorities, communities and partners of an educational establishment.

Opening the school doors to the outside world is a necessity to enrich students' learning. Collaborating with local stakeholders makes it possible to give meaning to the lessons by anchoring them in the reality of the territory. This also promotes the future professional integration of young people by introducing them to the economic and social world around them.

Beyond the educational interest, forming partnerships is essential to the proper functioning of an establishment. Communicating regularly with the supervisory authorities guarantees good coordination and the achievement of set objectives. Working hand in hand with communities facilitates daily management and improvement projects for premises and equipment. Building relationships means giving ourselves the means to meet the educational challenges of today and tomorrow together.

Tools and methods for effective management

The establishment project

The school project plays a vital role in the strategic management of an educational establishment. It defines the pedagogical and educational orientations for the years to come, consistent with national and academic objectives.

However, developing a relevant and unifying establishment project is not easy. This requires a participatory approach involving the entire educational community: teachers, staff, parents, students. A shared diagnosis must be carried out to analyze the strengths, weaknesses and specific needs of the establishment.

The solution lies in co-construction of the project by representative working groups. Regular exchanges with educational councils and boards of directors make it possible to refine the strategic axes. Once adopted, the project provides a clear roadmap for everyone.

A true compass for the establishment, the project makes it possible to set a course and give meaning to actions. It is the common thread of daily management, both for educational choices and for team management. A well-thought-out and collectively implemented school project constitutes a powerful lever for the success of all students.

The contract of objectives

The objectives contract is a key tool for aligning the establishment's policy with academic and national guidelines. Concluded between the EPLE and the academic authority, it defines the objectives to be achieved, in connection with the establishment project.

For optimal consistency, the objectives contract and the establishment project are developed in parallel, for a period of 5 years. This makes it possible to set a clear course in terms of priorities and success indicators, while leaving room for autonomy for the establishment to adapt to its local context.

Consultation bodies

Several bodies allow consultation and management within educational establishments:

  • The educational council, chaired by the head of the establishment, promotes consultation between teachers on the coordination of lessons, the organization of school activities and educational systems. It makes proposals on the implementation of the establishment project.

  • The board of directors, which includes representatives from the entire educational community, deliberates on issues relating to the educational and educational autonomy of the establishment. It adopts the establishment project and the contract of objectives.

  • The school-college council, co-led by the principal and the 1st level inspector, aims to strengthen educational continuity between the school and the college. It proposes actions to improve student monitoring and ensure better connections between the two levels of education.

  • The teaching councils bring together teachers by discipline to discuss teaching methods, monitor students and make proposals on the school project.

Bringing these bodies to life in a spirit of dialogue and cooperation is essential for concerted and effective management in the service of student success.

Evaluation and management tools

School leaders have several tools to help them manage and evaluate their establishment:

  • The APAE indicators (Aid for Management and Self-Evaluation of Establishments) which make it possible to situate the establishment in relation to the department, the academy and the national level over 5 school years.

  • The added value indicators IVAL (high schools) and IVAC (colleges) which measure what the establishment contributes more or less to student results compared to expected rates.

  • The eMundus application which facilitates the management of applications and admissions for all types of training (bachelor's, master's, summer courses). It allows you to personalize application spaces, simplify communication with candidates and schedule campaigns in advance.

The head of the establishment must rely on these tools to establish a shared diagnosis, set objectives in the establishment project and the objectives contract, and manage pedagogical and educational actions accordingly.

Issues and challenges in the management of educational establishments

Autonomy and increased responsibility

As Antoine Prost pointed out, “the role of school leaders is decisive: each gives their high school their own style”. This statement takes on its full meaning in the context of increasing autonomy granted to educational establishments.

This autonomy implies new responsibilities for school heads in terms of management. They must define a clear and coherent establishment policy, in consultation with the entire educational community. This involves developing an ambitious establishment project, setting objectives adapted to the local context.

Management must also be based on a detailed analysis of the establishment's performance indicators. Exam success rates, school climate, quality of life at work for staff are all areas to be examined to identify levers for improvement. Participative and caring management will encourage everyone's commitment to a dynamic of progress.

Autonomy is therefore an asset for building tailor-made teaching and educational responses. But it is accompanied by increased responsibility for school leaders, true drivers of change, guarantors of the success of all students.

Human resources management and management

Human resources management and management have specific challenges in the school context. On the one hand, the autonomy of teachers and the particular hierarchical structure of establishments induce a managerial approach different from the private sector.

However, school leaders must promote team dynamics and unite energies around the educational project. This requires assertive leadership, based on listening, consultation and promoting the skills of each person.

The synthesis lies in adapted management, combining respect for educational autonomy and strategic management. The development of a collaborative culture, forward-looking management of jobs and skills, as well as quality social dialogue are essential levers for meeting educational challenges in a constantly evolving environment.

Student success and school performance

School leaders have several levers to promote student success and improve overall performance:

  • Promote innovative educational projects by relying on the creativity of teaching teams. This gives meaning to learning and motivates students.

  • Optimize the use of human and financial resources according to the priorities of the establishment project. Rigorous management of the budget and resources allows for room for maneuver.

  • Develop partnerships with local stakeholders (companies, associations, communities, etc.). Opening the school to its environment enriches teaching and promotes the orientation and integration of young people.

  • Promote collaborative work within teaching and educational teams. Establishing a collective dynamic allows for better consistency of actions and more effective monitoring of students.

  • Implement results-based management based on relevant indicators. Regular data analysis promotes shared diagnosis and adjustment of actions for continuous improvement of performance.

Educational and digital innovation

Educational innovation is a major challenge in adapting schools to societal and technological developments. However, driving change within an educational community is not easy and requires strong leadership.

The headteacher plays a key role in creating a climate conducive to innovation. It can encourage experimentation with new practices, by giving teachers more autonomy. Promoting and disseminating innovative initiatives, during dedicated discussion times, helps to spread good ideas.

Finally, the digital equipment of establishments opens up new educational perspectives. By training teams in these tools and supporting projects, the head of the establishment encourages the development of uses. A digital referent can usefully assist him in this mission of driving change.

In short, effectively managing a school establishment requires a strategic and participatory approach, based on appropriate tools and methods. The head of the establishment, a true conductor, must mobilize the collective intelligence of the teaching and educational teams around a unifying project. With good communication, local management and lively consultation bodies, it can create the conditions for an environment conducive to learning and innovation. eMundus solutions, by simplifying admission processes and streamlining the learner journey, are valuable assets for strengthening the attractiveness and performance of establishments.

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