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Our collaborative and adaptable online platform for effective management of your application campaigns and calls for projects

Mockup illustration of how the platform works

Opt for dematerialization and simplification of your information collection and file processing process. With our online solution TCHOOZ by EMUNDUS, you will meet the challenges linked to the complexity and constraints of repetitive and time-consuming tasks.

  • Collect

    Simply collect all folders on your site.

  • Select

    Choose the number of documents to attach and their specificities using our EMUNDUS solution. Create your personalized forms.

  • Treat

    The processing of candidate files will be effective thanks to their status then organizing a workflow.

  • Automate

    The result obtained is automatically attached to the candidate's file and can be viewed in the file management area.

The spaces of our platform

Manager space illustration mockup

Manager area

Optimize, in a collaborative environment, each stage of your selection process (file management, evaluation, decision) using our platform.

With our EMUNDUS solution, you have control over the configuration of your application campaigns and calls for projects. You have a full range of features to customize everything from general information to application forms.

Automating candidate communications is an added benefit: you create your own email templates and set up triggers at key points in the journey.

Focus on the essential: finding the best talent and selecting the most promising projects.

  • Centralization of information
  • Process automation
  • Simplified collaboration
  • Monitoring and evaluation of projects
  • Data Security and Privacy
  • Time saving and efficiency

Depositor area

Our EMUNDUS solution offers candidates a user-friendly and secure Applicant space that simplifies the submission of their applications.

They can easily navigate between the different sections of the form, provide the required information and upload the necessary documents, whether mandatory or optional.

Candidates benefit from real-time monitoring of the progress of their application and receive automatic notifications.

In addition, our platform offers advanced features such as a video module and an electronic payment system. We also provide a document space allowing direct transmission of documents, such as an agreement to sign for example. Finally, our internal messaging facilitates interaction between candidates and managers, allowing them to send questions and documents within their file(s).

Depositor space illustration mockup
  • Accessibility and ease of use
  • Centralization of information
  • Real-time tracking
  • Simplified communication
  • Data Privacy
  • Automatic notifications and reminders
Mockup illustration of the creation of showcase sites

Showcase site

Maximize the impact of your communication strategy with an attractive showcase site interconnected to your platform.

To attract candidates and encourage the submission of their applications, it is essential to have an attractive and personalized showcase site. At EMUNDUS, we offer the possibility of creating a tailor-made showcase site, specially designed according to your needs, in order to strengthen your brand image and improve the user experience. Better yet, our solution allows you to independently manage the content of your site, thus offering you the possibility of easily enriching your site and ensuring regular updating.

By investing in an attractive showcase site interconnected to your platform, you increase conversions and stand out from the competition. An attractive design and optimal user experience will encourage candidates to engage more and submit their applications with confidence.

Contact us now to find out how our showcase solution can meet your goals.

Our strengths make the difference

Quality of service

We are aware that each client is unique, with specific expectations. Our dedicated team is here to offer you a tailor-made service, whether for advice, technical assistance or any other request. We are with you every step of the way.

Skill and expertise

Our team is made up of highly qualified professionals and experts in their respective fields. We invest in their continuing training and support in order to keep their know-how up to date. This way, you benefit from informed advice and personalized assistance to effectively meet your needs.

Responsiveness and communication

Our company stands out for its responsiveness. We respond quickly to your requests, by phone, email or via our online support center. In addition, we maintain transparent communication by keeping you regularly informed of the progress of your requests or your project.

Our security commitments

ISO27001 certification

ISO 27001 is an international standard which defines the requirements for the implementation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS).

It provides a structured framework for identifying, assessing and addressing information security risks.

This standard is the best known in the world for information security management systems (ISMS). It provides companies of all sizes, regardless of their sector of activity, with guidelines for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of a security management system. 'information.

Secure servers

Each of our clients has its own server, with its files and its dedicated database.

The servers are systematically on a sovereign host selected by EMUNDUS.

Our customers can also choose their accommodation

Only authorized people within the EMUNDUS company can connect to the server via an SSH key.

The servers are kept up to date and security patches applied as quickly as possible.

Do you want to take it up a notch? We offer HDS and SecNumCloud hosting on request.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security method that requires two forms of identification to access resources and data. It allows businesses to monitor and protect their most vulnerable information and networks. This method adds an extra layer of security, making it more difficult for cybercriminals to steal users' identities or gain access to their devices and accounts.

Automatic backups

The entire application (database and files) are regularly backed up.

Backups are encrypted and present on two geographically distant sites

Access controls

Each user has an account and profile adapted to their functions. The platform has rights management guaranteeing access control to data.

Unauthorized access attempts are protected by a firewall which controls all interactions with the platform.

Data governance (GDPR)

We attach great importance to the data you entrust to us. EMUNDUS is supported by an external DPO who ensures that our records are up to date.

SSO authentication

SSO, for Single Sign-On, is an authentication system that allows a user to access multiple applications or services using a single set of credentials, typically a username and password.

This means that once a user successfully logs in to an application or service, they do not need to log in again to access other applications or services. This simplifies password management for the user and can also improve security by reducing the number of times users must enter their credentials.

Encrypted communication with SSL

A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is an electronic certificate that authenticates the identity of a website and allows an encrypted connection. It creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser, ensuring a secure connection.

When a website is secured by an SSL certificate, the acronym HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) appears in the URL. Without an SSL certificate, only the letters HTTP (without the "S" in "Secure") are displayed. A padlock icon also appears in the address bar.

The SSL certificate is essential for securing online transactions and protecting the confidentiality of customer information¹. It ensures that data transferred between users and websites, or between two systems, is impossible to decrypt.

Mockup illustration of tailor-made functionalities

A specific need? Activate additional features or have them tailor-made

EMUNDUS is responsible for developing tailor-made functionalities according to your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Classic platform deployment process

At EMUNDUS, we attach great importance to the involvement of our clients in the realization of their projects, which is why our teams have adopted an agile approach. We deliver your project to you in successive iterations. With this in mind, we invite you to carry out tests throughout development, in order to guarantee your complete satisfaction.

  • Deployment folder (toolbox)
  • Kick-off: kick-off meeting
  • Overall platform configuration
  • Validation meeting (configuration, preparation of the Depositor area)
  • Configuration of the Depositor space by EMUNDUS technicians
  • Meeting Validation of the Depositor space
  • Possible opening of platform campaigns to the public
  • Meeting Preparation
  • Configuration of the Manager space
  • Validation meeting (manager area)
  • User training
  • Delivery of your finalized platform
  • End of project meeting
SaaS / On-premises

Choose flexibility with our platform: Supported SaaS mode or On-premise mode according to your needs

Every business is unique and has specific software deployment and management requirements. This is why we offer our platform in two distinct modes: SaaS (Software as a Service) mode and on-premise mode.

SaaS mode supported

SaaS mode platform offers a turnkey solution , hosted on our servers and accessible via the Internet, with a domain name specially created by our team.

With the supported SaaS mode, you benefit from several advantages. First of all, there is no need to invest in expensive infrastructure, as everything is managed by our team of experts. You can quickly access the platform and start using it, without complex deployment worries.

Plus, you benefit from regular and/or automatic updates, meaning you always have access to the latest features and improvements without having to worry about manual updates. Finally, our technical support team is available to assist you whenever needed, ensuring you have a smooth and hassle-free experience.

On-premise mode

If your business has special requirements in terms of security, customization or if you prefer to have total control over the infrastructure, our on-premises platform is for you.

In this mode, we take care of deploying your platform directly on your own internal servers. This way, you maintain full control of your infrastructure. This approach gives you complete flexibility to customize the software to your specific needs and maintain complete control of the process.

Our technical support team is also on hand to walk you through the installation and configuration process, providing you with the assistance needed to ensure a worry-free setup.

Questions ?

Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about our offerings and discover how our platform can meet your needs.