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An essential for the protection of personal data

Mockup illustration of the French solution compliant with the GDPR

Secure data management and GDPR commitment at EMUNDUS

  • Compliance with GDPR

    EMUNDUS complies with the current requirements of the GDPR.

  • Trust and transparency

    We strive to establish a relationship of trust with our customers.

  • Data security

    We are committed to securing your organization's sensitive data.

  • A committed team

    We train our teams internally in data protection awareness.

EMUNDUS makes it a point of honor to respect the GDPR in order to respect the security and compliance of organizations. We establish a relationship of trust and transparency with our clients and have appointed a DPO to check that everything is respected.


Infrastructure illustration mockup

Our Infrastructure

Our servers hosted in France allow us to secure the data of all the organizations that trust us.

Servers Hosted in France : Locating our servers in France is not just a choice, but a strategic decision to meet the strictest security standards in terms of data protection. This means that depositors' information is not only secure but also subject to the most rigorous French and European regulations.

Internal Access Control : Each access to your data is carefully controlled internally to guarantee confidentiality and prevent unauthorized access.

  • Secure servers
  • 100% French solution
  • Privacy Control
  • Data subject to GDPR
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

Our Commitments to You

We are committed to supporting you in your experience with EMUNDUS by providing you with personalized advice.

Personalized Advice : We advise you in a personalized manner on best practices in data protection, taking into account your specificities.

Support for Our Clients : Partners in your compliance process, we actively support you, sharing our expertise, providing tailored recommendations, and offering ongoing support. Your success in data protection is also ours.

Illustration mockup of commitments
  • Personalized advice
  • Data protection
  • Support from A to Z
  • Guaranteed for your success
  • Ongoing support
Illustration mockup of security measures

An Overview of Our Security Measures

We back up your data daily throughout our collaboration to protect you in the event of a problem.

Daily Encrypted Backup: Every day, your data is backed up encrypted, ensuring rapid restoration if necessary. This secure redundancy provides constant peace of mind.

Personalized Retention Period: The retention period of your data and the data of the people concerned is aligned with the duration of our collaboration, guaranteeing thoughtful management in line with your requirements.

  • Daily backup
  • Fast food
  • Peace of mind
  • Custom shelf life
  • Thoughtful data management

GDPR Compliance and Breach Management

Our EMUNDUS solution is compliant and respects the GDPR implemented in France and Europe.

Processing Register : A register of processing records is carefully maintained to manage our compliance, ensuring complete documentation complies with standards.

Data Transfer : In the event of contractual transfer of data to a third country, we contractually undertake (CCT) to ensure compliance and data security.

Notification Procedure : A specific procedure according to Article 33 of the GDPR is established, allowing a data breach to be quickly identified and notified within 72 hours to the competent authorities.

Assistance from Our DPO : Our DPO may be requested to assist in reporting violations to the CNIL, ensuring a transparent and compliant process.

GDPR compliance illustration mockup
  • Standards compliant documentation
  • Data compliance in all countries
  • Rapid problem notification
  • Assistance from a DPO
  • Collaboration with the CNIL

Our strengths make the difference

Data gathering

We only collect personal data necessary to carry out our business activities, in response to a demo or contact request in accordance with our privacy policy. Data is obtained ethically and transparently through a collection process based on explicit user consent.

Data storage

By using our platform, customers can choose to store the collected data either on EMUNDUS servers based exclusively in France, or on their own servers.


Periodic encrypted backups are included on all our commercial offers and are regularly tested in order to guarantee a recovery of activity in the event of an incident as quickly as possible.

A rich range of features

Collection forms

Summary tools


Setting up workflows

Coordinator interface

Automated tasks

Creation of files

Electronic signature

Filter and sort folder

Integration into your CRM

User role management

Online payment management

Exporting files

Uploading files

Sending automated emails

Illustration mockup of a mobile interface

A specific need? Activate additional features or have them tailor-made

EMUNDUS is responsible for developing tailor-made functionalities according to your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Classic platform deployment process

At EMUNDUS, we attach great importance to the involvement of our clients in the realization of their projects, which is why our teams have adopted an agile approach. We deliver your project to you in successive iterations. With this in mind, we invite you to carry out tests throughout development, in order to guarantee your complete satisfaction.

  • Deployment folder (toolbox)
  • Kick-off: kick-off meeting
  • Overall platform configuration
  • Validation meeting (configuration, preparation of the Depositor area)
  • Configuration of the Depositor space by EMUNDUS technicians
  • Meeting Validation of the Depositor space
  • Possible opening of platform campaigns to the public
  • Meeting Preparation
  • Configuration of the Manager space
  • Validation meeting (manager area)
  • User training
  • Delivery of your finalized platform
  • End of project meeting
SaaS / On-premises

Choose flexibility with our platform: Supported SaaS mode or On-premise mode according to your needs

Every business is unique and has specific software deployment and management requirements. This is why we offer our platform in two distinct modes: SaaS (Software as a Service) mode and on-premise mode.

SaaS mode supported

SaaS mode platform offers a turnkey solution , hosted on our servers and accessible via the Internet, with a domain name specially created by our team.

With the supported SaaS mode, you benefit from several advantages. First of all, there is no need to invest in expensive infrastructure, as everything is managed by our team of experts. You can quickly access the platform and start using it, without complex deployment worries.

Plus, you benefit from regular and/or automatic updates, meaning you always have access to the latest features and improvements without having to worry about manual updates. Finally, our technical support team is available to assist you whenever needed, ensuring you have a smooth and hassle-free experience.

On-premise mode

If your business has special requirements in terms of security, customization or if you prefer to have total control over the infrastructure, our on-premises platform is for you.

In this mode, we take care of deploying your platform directly on your own internal servers. This way, you maintain full control of your infrastructure. This approach gives you complete flexibility to customize the software to your specific needs and maintain complete control of the process.

Our technical support team is also on hand to walk you through the installation and configuration process, providing you with the assistance needed to ensure a worry-free setup.

Questions ?

Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about our offerings and discover how our platform can meet your needs.